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영어낭독 영어토론반은 멤버십으로 진행이 됩니다. 충실히 참여하시면 참가비를 환불해드리니 무료모임이기도 합니다.
함께 읽는 책은 Democracy’s Discontent 입니다.
책구매: 다음 링크를 이용해서 책을 구매해주시면 저희 동호회에 운영에 많은 도움이 됩니다.
Amazon: Democracy’s Discontent
A renowned political philosopher updates his classic book on the American political tradition to address the perils democracy confronts today.
The 1990s were a heady time. The Cold War had ended, and America’s version of liberal capitalism seemed triumphant. And yet, amid the peace and prosperity, anxieties about the project of self-government could be glimpsed beneath the surface.
So argued Michael Sandel, in his influential and widely debated book Democracy’s Discontent, published in 1996. The market faith was eroding the common life. A rising sense of disempowerment was likely to provoke backlash, he wrote, from those who would “shore up borders, harden the distinction between insiders and outsiders, and promise a politics to ‘take back our culture and take back our country,’ to ‘restore our sovereignty’ with a vengeance.”
Now, a quarter century later, Sandel updates his classic work for an age when democracy’s discontent has hardened into a country divided against itself. In this new edition, he extends his account of America’s civic struggles from the 1990s to the present. He shows how Democrats and Republicans alike embraced a version of finance-driven globalization that created a society of winners and losers and fueled the toxic politics of our time.
In a work celebrated when first published as “a remarkable fusion of philosophical and historical scholarship” (Alan Brinkley), Sandel recalls moments in the American past when the country found ways to hold economic power to democratic account. To reinvigorate democracy, Sandel argues in a stirring new epilogue, we need to reconfigure the economy and empower citizens as participants in a shared public life.
일주일에 2회 슬랙 허들에서 참가자들이 돌아가면서 낭독을 합니다.
다른 회원이 낭독을 할때는 듣기를 통해 내용 이해 훈련을 합니다.
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최소정원: 4명
최대정원: 12명
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수료 자격 - 100 포인트 이상
출석: 100 포인트 - 사회자가 확인
서평 및 후기: 100 포인트 - 웹사이트 블로그에 등록해주셔야 합니다.
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2025년 3월 18일 마감
100 포인트 이상 받아 수료하시면 참가비 전액을 환불해드립니다.
기간: 2025년 3월 18일 ~ 6월 3일 (11주간)
사전모임: 2025년 3월 18일 미국 동부시각 오후 10시
마무리모임: 2025년 6월 3일 미국 동부시각 오후 10시
미국 동부시각 매주 화목 오후 10~11시
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